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An Open Letter To Any Woman
Who Is Tired Of Having Casual Relationships
And Is Ready For True Love And Partnership!
My Dear Woman - let me ask you something..
  • Are you often shocked at how difficult it is to find a high-quality man for a long-term, committed relationship?
  • Do you find yourself asking, "Where are all the good men?" on a regular basis?
  • Are you starting to feel worried about the future because everywhere you go to socialize... it's mostly women? (And the few men that are left aren't the type you'd be willing to settle for?)

If you said yes to any of these questions, then this will be the most important letter you ever read.  Here's what this is all about:

I've discovered a simple secret that inspires the highest quality men to become devoted to you and insist on being your loyal partner forever. 

I'd like to share that with you here on this page, but first you need to know that...

I  Perfectly  Understand What You're Going Through With Men Right Now!
If you're Single...
If you're dating someone right now...

Does any of this resonate with you?  It did for me!

I went through this already, and I have some good news.  I have discovered a simple solution that fixes all of these problems, and that's what I'm going to share with you today.

Who Am I, and Why Should You Listen To Me?

My story is an unusual one. I grew up in Russia where there are literally 10 women for every 6 men.

That may not sound like a big deal until you multiply that by the millions of people in Russia.

It's a serious problem for women from the part of the world where I came from.

Here's what they are dealing with:

  • Most women in Russia are considered "damaged goods" if they aren't married by the age of 25 (this is crazy I know). And if they are over 28, then forget it... finding a boyfriend is nearly impossible no matter how beautiful they are.
  • Men in Russia die at an earlier age than in most parts of the world because they engage in high-risk behaviour and drink too much. This means that women over 35 have very little chances of finding a man to spend her life with, and she's very likely to grow old alone.
  • It's very common for women over 35 to have to share a boyfriend with other women just to have any companionship at all.

This is a very sad picture of reality, and I can tell you that it's absolutely true.

And it was even worse for me growing up, because...

I Wasn't Half as Pretty
as the Other Girls Growing Up!
See for Yourself...

Now sure, we can talk all we want about how it's really about inner beauty and all that, but the fact is...

The boys didn't even notice me. Nobody pulled my hair or snapped my bra. Nobody asked me out or even flirted with me a little bit.

I quickly realized that, since I could not compete with these women who got lucky with their good genetics, I had to find another way to be noticed by boys.

How I Discovered
The Secret To Making Any Man Devoted To Me!

I stumbled onto a handful of simple secrets that drove the boys in my school wild.  After using them, I quickly ended up dating the most popular and attractive by in our school - Sergie.

All because my experiments and discoveries actually work. 

I never again had a problem attracting a devoted boyfriend who was eager to commit to me. 

While I was on a trip, I met an American man and also used my Law Of Devotion secrets with him.  We were quickly married and I was off to come live with him in his country. 

I eventually decided to part ways with my husband because I was no longer in love. To be honest, I was a little nervous because now I was a single mom and I was getting older. 

In Russia, if you're a single mom and over 28... forget it. Finding a guy to marry you is incredibly difficult, especially if you looked like me.

But guess what? Dating ended up being a piece of cake for one big reason. I discovered that women in America have been misled about what works with men. Every American television show I saw featured beautiful, brilliant women. 

These women rolled their eyes and disapproved of their bumbling male partners.  They made it seem like they  couldn't do anything right. 

These women were in the practice of making men feel like LESS of themselves when they were together, not more. That's when I realized that...

How You Can Have a Huge Advantage Over Women!

Most women are going about this all wrong.

Do you remember how it was when you were in your early 20's? 

Remember how there were always men pursuing you? 

That's how it is for men after they turn 40. 

A high-quality man who is over 40 and still single has unlimited options when it comes to women. 

It's basic supply and demand... In case you haven't noticed, the supply of great men is getting smaller and smaller every year as you get older. 

The older a man gets, the more choices he has available to him.

The only way you'll stand out as the obvious best choice for him is if you activate the devotion circuits in his brain. 

This is something almost every Russian woman is taught from an early age, so it's completely natural for us. 

Men naturally want to be with a lot of women, but every smart Russian woman knows that there's a secret part of his brain that is capable of locking onto one woman and making him stay with her for life. 

It's like entering a combination to a lock. 

You can try really hard to open that lock, but if you keep entering the wrong combination, it'll never open for you. 

A man's devotion circuits are a lot like that lock, and unfortunately, American women have been taught the wrong combination... 

Which is why you struggle to find a man who will commit to you. 

Once you know the combination to the lock, you can go from being invisible to the opposite sex - or cheap, icky, or unnatural... 

To being approached more often and getting more dates... Not only will you get more dates, you'll get more 2nd dates... and 3rd dates! 

Even if you're short, chubby, and have a face like mine, you'll experience what it feels like to be pursued again! 

Activating a man's devotion circuits is much easier than you might expect - in fact, the less you try, the more results you can expect! 

This is just one of the secrets I teach in detail in my new video training program - the Law of Devotion. 

Law of Devotion is all of my secrets for activating a man's devotion circuits so you can attract and keep a high-quality man who is totally devoted to you (and only you)... 

... and to do it in a way that is totally natural and not manipulative at all.... 

... without those stupid "rules" you may have heard about. 

This is the stuff nobody has taught you before because it's usually passed down from mother to daughter in Russia.  It's never been made available to the public until right now.

Inside Law of Devotion, You Get...
  • Exactly what to do when he gives you a compliment that leaves him feeling inspired and makes him want to find ways to make you happy.
  • Revealed: The biggest secret to touching his heart and making him drop his guard instantly. It's a lot easier than you think once you know how it's done.
  • A little-known "mind virus" that's actually prevents him from committing to you. I'll show you exactly what it is and how to fix this little "mental virus" in 30 seconds so you can experience more happiness and fulfillment with your man (and so he'll begin thinking about committing to you right away).
  • The single biggest mistake women make when communicating with their man that instantly makes him want to avoid her. If he's become cold and distant, it's most likely because of this.
  • 7 examples of typical things women over 35 do in relationships that make men run in the opposite direction.
  • The #1 criteria men use to decide if you're "long term relationship material" or just good for short-term sex. Hint: it's not at all what you think, and has nothing to do with sex. Most women around the world were taught the exact opposite of what really works. I'll show you what to do instead.
  • The one emotion men feel that actually drives them away almost instantly. Be very careful to avoid ever making him feel this way, or he'll lose his inspiration for taking care of you and devoting himself to you.
  • Do you find yourself giving too much in relationship and never receiving? It could be because you were giving him the wrong things. Learn the one thing you must give him that actually compels him to want to give you WAY more in return.
  • 3 examples of flirty things you could say to him that spark attraction and make him "come and get you". Plus I'll show you how to be more flirtatious in general which will amplify his attraction for you through the roof!
  • The one thing you must give your man in order for him to let down his guard and fall in love with you. And guess what? Almost no woman in his life has given him this, so if you do... you'll stand out above all others in his mind.
  • How to become the most fulfilling girlfriend he has ever had. I'll show you 10 magic spices to sprinkle into your relationship (without him knowing) that drive him crazy, make him think about you all the time, and inspire him to eagerly commit to you without you even asking.
  • My one weird trick that triggers him into hot pursuit. If you've been craving a man who early pursues, courts, and tries to win you over... then use this trick and let the fun begin!
  • 3 questions that instantly reveal the weak spots in your relationship and how to fix them without him even realizing it. He'll just notice that he feels closer to you than ever before, but won't know why (don't tell him your secret).
  • The #1 thing women have been taught to do that actually prevents men from becoming devoted and committed to you. It's not your fault, but you MUST find out if you're doing this, because it instantly repels men (and they'll never tell you... they'll just disappear).
  • Word-for-word examples of what to say if he does something you don't like. I'll show you how to communicate it in a way that brings him closer to you and renews his commitment to you.
  • How to turn your relationship into a "magic garden" that gives joy to the both of you for the rest of your lives.
  • Women throughout history of who have inspired epic levels of devotion in their men all have one ability in common. I'll show you what that one ability is and how to develop it in yourself. When you do this, you will become irresistible to the man in your life.
  • The magic art of creating space for him to move forward and CLAIM you. This is something all Russian women know, and I'll reveal it to you here and show you how to ignite his passionate pursuit of you.
  • Is there a big distance between you and your man after a disagreement? It might be because you were making one big mistake while arguing. Let me show you how Russian women disagree with their man in a way that softens him up and brings him closer and more in love with her. (This one thing alone could save your relationship).
  • My 7 proven "heart melters" that you could whisper to him anytime that instantly soften his heart and make him feel more connected to you.
Good News!

These are the same techniques I teach in my one-on-one private coaching programs.

You won't be paying the $2,000 these women pay for these tactics. 

And you won't even be paying the same as the women who attend my private retreates in New York - which are $1,000.

In fact, it won't even be half that...

Get the Secrets to  Activate His Devotion 
to You Now not for $100 but for 
ONLY  $47

When you see with your own eyes the difference in how he responds to you, you'll be convinced.  The first time you see the love beaming out of his eyes as he confesses that he wants you - AND ONLY YOU - you'll be convinced.

And you'll look back on this monment as the beginning of it all.

And listen, if you're with someone now and you decide to move on at some point in your life, it won't matter.

Here's why.

You'll have the rock solid confidence of knowing you can not only attract a great man into your life, and you'll also have transformed into the kind of woman who can easily keep him.

Your friends will notice that you hold yourself differently - that there's more life in your body and more spring in your step.

How wonderful would that feel...

...to know that you never again have to worry about being alone, because you'll have the one thing men desperately want in a woman (and never get).

Namely, the ability to make his favorite parts of him "come alive" through his relationship with you!

How to Activate
His Devotion for You Now

Are you ready to start enjoying the benefits of having a man that is totally a completely yours forever? Are you ready to enjoy his full attention given to you, and only you?

Are you ready to say goodbye to the frustration and confusion that comes with regular dating and relationships?

Do you want to skip straight to the committed, loving communion you've been longing for?

Then go ahead and click the green button below and get instant access to the entire online video training course, even if it's 3 in the morning.

Warmly, Luba Evans

P.S. - Remember, you're getting my entire Law of Devotion video training program for just one payment of $47.

Other women have paid to learn this material from me during my one-on-one coaching programs and at my live retreats for up to $2,000.

Take action now because I can't promise the price will remain this low forever.

Go ahead and click the green button below for online instant access, and let's get you started on the path to an amazing, fulfilling, passionate, and devoted relationship with the man of your choice.

Get the Secrets to  Activate His Devotion to You Now not for $100 but for ONLY  $47
Frequently Asked Questions
  •   Wow! All That In One Program?


After coaching women in private and in group setting for years, I've been able to boil down exactly what works and what doesn't.

I took the best material and organized it for you in this easy to consume video training that you can access instantly - even if it's 3am!

  •   How Much Does It Cost?

A question that comes to mind every time I'm asked this questions is -

How much is it costing you trying to become the kind of woman he'll become devoted to?

Think about how much precious time and money gets wasted... The pretty outfits, the make up, the spa treatments, the hair... and yet none of those things get you any closer to having a man who is fully committed and devoted to you.

Up until now, the only way to learn this material from me is one-on-one coaching or to attend one of my live retreats which costs $2,000 and $1,000 each.

And even at that price, it's still a bargain when you think about what you get out of it.

$1,000 is only $2.73 per day for a year. What else do you spend $2.73 on every single day that makes no difference in your love life whatsoever?

The good news is that, because you've heard about this program from one of my friends, I'm offering a special deal for the next 24 hours. That means you'll be paying a lot less.

How much less?

Well when you order right now, you'll get the entire Law Of Devotion training course for only one payment of $47. Think about it, that's 13 cents a day for a year in order to learn these hard-won secrets that make any man devoted to you.

Now I realize that you might be skeptical. You might even be asking yourself...

  •   "This Sounds Great. Are You Sure It'll Work For Me?

Yes I am, and here's why...

I discovered these techniques and tactics in a VERY difficult environment for women. I know women in Russia who are in their early 30's and absolutely gorgeous, and they can't find a steady boyfriend. It's one of the harshest and most competitive environments on earth for women in terms of relationships.

And yet, despite not being "classically beautiful" like so many Russian woman, I was easily able to attract, catch, and keep men who were in high demand. And once I got to America and began using these same simple techniques, I was shocked at how unbelievably easy it was.


Because the Law Of Devotion teaches you how to be the one woman in his life who truly "lights him up" from the inside.

You won't ever have to worry about competition, because other women were never taught how to make a man feel amazing about himself, his life, and his mission in the world.

You will be one of the rare women who knows how, and that means you'll always have someone special in your life.And just to make sure you feel totally safe investing in this program, I'm taking all the risk off your shoulders and offering my...

  •   Unconditional 60 Day Money Back Guarantee?

My guarantee is simple.

Try the program out for a full 60 days.

If your man doesn't become more devoted to you and insist on being your one and only, or if you don't notice a huge difference in how men (in general) respond to you...

You can send it back for a no-hassle refund.

That means you'll have seen the whole program for free.  That's how confident I am that you're going to love this.  I'm taking all the risk off your shoulders and putting it on mine.  I want to treat you the way I wish other businesses treated me.

So go ahead and click the order button below and take the first step on your path to a happier, more committed relationship.

Get the Secrets to  Activate His Devotion to You Now not for $100 but for ONLY  $47

I want you to start enjoying the benefits of having a man that is totally a completely yours forever

Do you?

I want you to enjoy his full attention given to you, and only you... the attention you deserve. 

Are you ready to say goodbye to the frustration and confusion that comes with regular dating and relationships?

Do you want to skip straight to the committed, loving communion you've been longing for?

I can guarangtee all of that - or your money back.

I can also guarantee that if you do not take action, you will not get the result.  It's like anything else in life, if you don't take the first step, you'll never reach your destination.

While I can guarantee everything that I've written previously...

I can't guarantee this price forever!

Remember, you're getting my entire Law of Devotion video training program for only one payment of $47.

Other women have paid to learn this material from me during my one-on-one coaching programs and at my live retreats for up to $2,000.

Take action now because I can't promise the price will remain this low forever.

Go ahead and click the green button below to secure access at this price.  

You will get instant online access.

Let's get you started on the path to an amazing, fulfilling, passionate, and devoted relationship with the man of your choice.

Click the green button below and I'll see you inside!

Get the Secrets to  Activate His Devotion 
to You Now not for $100 but for 
ONLY  $47
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